A String Replacement Overview is here.
StringTemplate saves you the trouble of searching for a String subset within a String to replace or setting up your own marker to flag the StringPosition in the String at which to perform a replacement.Further, good programming practice dictates that we use selectors and constructors – specialized, dedicated functions to extract a subset of a file or to change a subset of a file – and to always use those rather than ad hoc one liners scattered in our functions and programs.1,2 StringTemplate conveniently formalizes and enforces the use of selectors and constructors.
StringForm is simpler to understand and use than StringTemplate, so I use StringForm when you need to output a message from your function. I don't end the command with a semi-colon so you can see the InputForm of a TemplateObject including its default Options.
stringTemplate1=StringTemplate@"The quick brown `` jumped over the lazy white ``."
TemplateObject[{The quick brown ,TemplateSlot[1], jumped over the lazy white ,TemplateSlot[2],.},InsertionFunction->TextString,CombinerFunction->StringJoin]
You can directly Apply any StringTemplate as a function to a List of its arguments that fits its requirements, or use TemplateApply to do the same thing.
The quick brown mink jumped over the lazy white peccadillo.
Equivalently, here StringTemplate is used as a function as you would any other function – use it as the Head of an Expression with its arguments.
The quick brown mink jumped over the lazy white peccadillo.
Equivalently, using TemplateApply:
The quick brown mink jumped over the lazy white peccadillo.
1. Maeder, Roman, Computer Science with Mathematica. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000. Chapter 5.3. Design of Abstract Data Types.
2. Maeder, Roman, M220: Programming in Mathematica (course given by Wolfram Education Group, which I have taken twice and recommend).