How to use Mathematica and the Wolfram Langage - for beginner, intermediate, and advanced users.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Element Data
Again we typically list the Properties available for the curated data collection.
{"Abbreviation", "AbsoluteBoilingPoint", "AbsoluteMeltingPoint", \
"AdiabaticIndex", "AllotropeNames", "AllotropicMultiplicities", \
"AlternateNames", "AlternateStandardNames", "AtomicNumber", "AtomicRadius", \
"AtomicWeight", "Block", "BoilingPoint", "BrinellHardness", "BulkModulus", \
"CASNumber", "Color", "CommonCompoundNames", "CovalentRadius", \
"CriticalPressure", "CriticalTemperature", "CrustAbundance", \
"CrystalStructure", "CuriePoint", "DecayMode", "Density", \
"DiscoveryCountries", "DiscoveryYear", "ElectricalConductivity", \
"ElectricalType", "ElectronAffinity", "ElectronConfiguration", \
"ElectronConfigurationString", "Electronegativity", \
"ElectronShellConfiguration", "FusionHeat", "GasAtomicMultiplicities", \
"Group", "HalfLife", "HumanAbundance", "IconColor", "IonizationEnergies", \
"IsotopeAbundances", "KnownIsotopes", "LatticeAngles", "LatticeConstants", \
"Lifetime", "LiquidDensity", "MagneticType", "MassMagneticSusceptibility", \
"MeltingPoint", "Memberships", "MeteoriteAbundance", "MohsHardness", \
"MolarMagneticSusceptibility", "MolarVolume", "Name", "NeelPoint", \
"NeutronCrossSection", "NeutronMassAbsorption", "OceanAbundance", "Period", \
"Phase", "PoissonRatio", "QuantumNumbers", "Radioactive", "RefractiveIndex", \
"Resistivity", "ShearModulus", "SolarAbundance", "SoundSpeed", \
"SpaceGroupName", "SpaceGroupNumber", "SpecificHeat", "StableIsotopes", \
"StandardName", "SuperconductingPoint", "ThermalConductivity", \
"ThermalExpansion", "UniverseAbundance", "Valence", "VanDerWaalsRadius", \
"VaporizationHeat", "VickersHardness", "VolumeMagneticSusceptibility", \
There are often, but not always, annotations explaining the meaning of a given data property or class.
In[104]:= ElementData["Hydrogen", "ElectronShellConfiguration", "LongDescription"]
Out[104]= "occupation numbers for each complete energy shell"
Here is the complete table. We use a Table listing the properties we want to extract from the database and display that iterates over the atomic numbers from 1 to 118. Then we need to Flatten the List for each element so that the last field, ElectronShellConfiguration, displays the number of electrons in each shell in a row instead of a column. Compare this method to those used for AstronomicalData and PhysicalConstants.
In[283]:= Table[{ElementData[z, "AtomicNumber"], ElementData[z, "Abbreviation"],
ElementData[z, "Name"], ElementData[z, "Series"],
ElementData[z, "AtomicWeight"], ElementData[z, "MeltingPoint"],
ElementData[z, "BoilingPoint"],
ElementData[z, "ElectronShellConfiguration"]}, {z, 118}] //
Flatten /@ # & //
TableHeadings -> {{}, {"Number", "Symbol", "Name", "Group",
"Atomic Weight", "Melting Point", "Boiling Point",
"Electron Shell\nConfiguration"}}] &
curated data,
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